Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Academic Homepage of muhammad irfan - Scientific Publications
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Scientific Publications:


  1. Ghasroldasht, M.M., Irfan-Maqsood, M., Matin, M.M., Bidkhori, H., Naderi-Meshkin, H., Moradi, A., Bahrami, A.R. 2014. Mesenchymal stem cells-based therapy of Osteo-diseases. Cell Biology International-In Press
  2. Irfan-Maqsood, M. and Seddiq-Shams, M. 2014. Rhamnolipid: A well characterized and potentially applicable biosurfactant. Industrial Biotechnology 10(4):1-5.


  1. Irfan-Maqsood, M., Hemmati-Sadeghi, S. 2013. Developments toward an Ideal Skin Substitute: A Commentary. Journal of Cell and Molecular Research, 5(2): 87-91.
  2. Irfan-Maqsood, M. 2013. Stem Cells of Epidermis: A Critical Introduction. Journal of Cell and Molecular Research, 5(1):1-2.
  3. Irfan-Maqsood, M., Bahrami, A.R., Matin, M.M., Aslamkhan, M. 2013. Commercialization of Gene Therapy drugs. 2013. Journal of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pakistan, 23(12): 907-908 4.
  4. Irfan-Maqsood, M., Matin M.M., Bahrami, A.R., Ghasroldasht, M.M. 2013. Immortality of cell lines: challenges and advantages of its establishment. Cell Biology International, 37(10):1038-1045.


  1. Irfan-Maqsood, M. and Jamal, A. 2011. Factors affecting the rhamnolipid biosurfactant production. Pakistan Journal of Biotechnology. 8(1): 1-5.
  2. Irfan-Maqsood, M., Jamal, A., Azeem, H.A. 2011. Effects of Iron salts on rhamnolipid biosurfactants production. Biologia, Pakistan, 57(1&2): 121-132.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 16 July 2014 12:19